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The Super-Absorbent Biodegradable, Family-Size Baby Blues: A Baby Blues Treasury
by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott
When little Zoe MacPherson was born, she was the darling of the comics page. The daily antics of her parents, Wanda and Darryl, struggling to learn the nuances of being a mom and dad struck millions as all-too-real and all-too-hilarious! As Zoe has grown into a toddler—and welcomed baby brother Hamish into the family—the MacPherson clan has become an even bigger part of our daily lives. Even people who aren't parents cherish Baby Blues for its amusing artwork and spirited stories.
The MacPhersons have entertained us with their calm approach to chaos for years. These two educated people attempt to apply logic and the wisdom of parenting manuals to the raising of their family, and then discover exhaustion bends all the rules. The strip captures real-life emotions, from the battle to get Zoe strapped into a car seat to trying to convince her that she's too old for her crib. Artist Rick Kirkman and writer Jerry Scott have recreated the family-strip genre with their warm and witty takes on child-rearing. In The Super-Absorbent, Biodegradable, Family-Size Baby Blues, the duo relives the stories behind their favorite strips, allowing their many fans a glimpse into their own frazzled worlds. In addition, they've selected from among material since the strip began.
This Baby Blues treasury is a must-have for Baby Blues fans everywhere, many of whom love the MacPhersons as if they were favorite members of their own dear families.
Contains selected previously collected comics from Scrapbooks 1 to 8. Organized into chapters by theme. Color.
IBSN: 9780836236576
Publication date: September 1, 1997